I used to have a Facebook group for this comic, but I had forgotten about it through various updates in Facebook. But I got it active again. If you’d like to join me there, go to http://www.facebook.com/groups/swiftriver. See you there!
This is the second card I’ve done for the Webcomicstarot.com project. The first one was Strength, featuring our favorite blue troll, Geoff. This one is the King of Swords card, featuring a character who hasn’t been introduced yet, Oberon. Now if you know your literature, you know who he is. If you don’t, Oberon is King of the Faeries, according to Mr. Shakespeare. The King of Swords is traditionally the oldest of the King cards, and his age has tempered his hot head. I felt the good Reverend didn’t quite fit this card, so you get a sneak peak into the far flung future.
Hi everybody! It’s been a long while since I’ve posted. In fact, a lot of people have forgotten this comic is here. But I’m slowly getting back into my art again, when my newborn gives me a few minutes here and there.
This homage had two purposes, other than drawing Calvin and Hobbes as the Fourth and Eleventh Doctors. One, I needed to draw again, and this was good practice. Two, I’m trying out Manga Studio and comparing it to Photoshop in terms of comic creation. Like anything, I’ve found there’s a bit of a learning curve. Not so much on how things work, but where all the tools are. I’m sure once I figure things out, it’ll be much easier.
I’ll update you with what’s happening with the comic in a little bit. But first I want to make you aware of the Comic Creators for Freedom (formerly the Comic Creators Alliance.)
The People:
We’re a group of Comic Book Creators, who have come together, volunteering our artistic talents to raise money for the purpose of ending human trafficking in the world today.
The Problem:
There are currently 27 million enslaved people worldwide- more than double the number of enslaved Africans during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. UNICEF estimates that 1.2 million children every year are sold into slavery, most of it sexual. The US Department of Justice estimates 16,000 victims of human trafficking are brought into the United States every year.
The Project:
Webcomic Creators from all over the world are working together on a single drawing which will be available as a downloadable wallpaper for readers who donate to our fund raising drive! January 9th – 20th!
Here’s what I submitted to help out. I’ve participated the last few years with these amazing women. This year’s theme is Epic Snowball fight.
He’s turning forty this year and he has a request. I’ll put it in his own words.
For the first time I can remember, I’m working on my birthday. There won’t be any shindig on the actual day.
To make up for it, I’d like to take home a few birthday cards to read that night.
One of the things I do each day at work is sort though the incoming mail to look for stuff that needs attention right away. I’m hoping that in the next few weeks, I’ll see a few things with my name on it and I’ll save them to open on the 22nd.
If there’s anything you’d like to share with me: Cards, notes, letters, photos, stories, drawings from your kids…Anything you think might bring a smile to my face, I’d like it to be sent to:
Eric Londergan
c/o Au Bon Pain
One Au Bon Pain Way
Boston, MA 02210
By the way, I made this so you can invite your friends, too, if you want. I welcome strangers saying hi to me, too.