You might notice that there’s something different about this update. Yep, color! In fact, if you check out the first update, it’s in color as well. It’s like the black and white version never existed. Hooray, retcon! We’ll see how this little color experiment goes. And if anyone has any good Photoshop tips, feel free to pass them along.
Discussion (4) ¬
I’m not sure if you’re going for those little white dot/spaces between line and color…but if you’re not, I find it helps to select the area you want to color, create a new layer BENEATH the line layer (set the line layer to multiply), expand selection 1 pixel, THEN drop your color on the new layer. You’re bold lines are pretty thick, so it should fill the space completely without “coloring outside the lines.” You can still come back over with the brush to give it that marker look (which I’m lovin’!)
You can keep it this way, it’s still awesome…just…you know…in case you DIDN’T know…
Tips to improve are always appreciated. That will help quite a bit. Thank you!
He’s quickly running out of piggies…